In combination with Geothermal, The Hydroloop™ System that supply electricity and water 24/7, and the transport of goods, people, split it up to generate electricity, before softly distribute water to our Smart Farming to grow fruits trees, vegetable, fish/crustacea, and produce goods. Recycled water is ejected to our geothermal to power The Hydroloop™ System for the loop to come back to start again. This project can implement the 6 WEF challenges accepting solutions, and the United Nation 17 Sustainable Development Goals [UNSDGs], which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership.
Laos has plenty of freshwater: From the Pacific Ocean Evaporation, the monsoon rains, the Gulf of Thailand, the Indian Oceans, (+all without strong wind), the huge groundwater, ... Enough to satisfy our needs, ...
Non frozen Water sources are clearly at the East Coast of the US and in Southeast Asia, especially in Laos.
Laos topography is ideal to solve huge areas of desertification, one section at the time, until the deserts turn into the food basket not just for the world, but for the whole space exploration programs. Laos can become a true space hub.
Our greatest untapped sources of energy, available 24/7, and perpetually replenished, enough to power The Hydroloop™ System. Recharging it as pressure are released along the route. The exit will produce electricity. AI controlled valves and network of pipeline will dictate the water direction by decreasing pressure in one end, and increasing in another. Freshwater will reach long distant to implementing the United Nation 17 Sustainable Development Goals [UNSDGs].
Starting the loop from Laos, then expanding the loop to neighbouring countries, one further south, another eastward, recharged with the heat and pressure from Geothermal and, to release heat and pressure to produce electricity and give away water, and recharged with coldness, moving down to supply water, energy, and whatsoever the Hydroloop™ System can carry, including coldness, information, food, … The return loop is to export African goods after receiving plenty of water and energy.
To collect, transfer, distribute freshwater in Laos for the abundance production of food and goods, recycle the used water, and to export the excess of water, food, and other produced goods to the needed regions.
Our Prototype projects will expand country by country to fulfil The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
Edible and still growing plants, vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood are supplied by our smart farming to the specially designed green space with fish/crustacea tanks at the roof-garden, covering the Complex. Each green space is equipped with AI technology assisted gardener looking after multiple garden. The complex is equipped with the watering and the artificial rain system to keep plants and fish/crustacea alive that also cool the building and as rainwater retention.
People can enjoy fresh fruits direct from our farm supplied trees, living vegetable. Fish and seafood are still alive to be cooked just minutes before consumption. Any stock running low, the AI system will replace it, used trees are returned to our farm to regrow again for resupply, and export the excess. Repeat the loop again and again…
The Hydroloop™ System and Geothermal are the main drivers to improve the state of the world, hunger for clean energy, clean water, good sanitation, clean transport system, healthy lifestyle, more balanced society, and true space programs exploring and colonizing other planets.
It would now appear that despite the very best intentions of many dedicated and well-meaning individuals, and after the spending of many millions of venture dollars, humanity is now reluctantly forced to conclude that the Hyperloop project was not only unworkable but that it lacks viability to warrant any further investment of time, energy and venture dollars. The Space Programs that were so positively imagined in the early nineteen seventies have sadly all but failed to materialize. It was hoped that by the year 2000, there would at least be some kind of viable space travel available of the kind depicted in movies like “Battlestar Galactica” and “2001: A Space Odyssey”; but sadly, as subsequent generations have found, it was not to be, and that they were destined to suffer like the scientists and government agencies before them by experiencing yet more frustrating disappointments as far as the dream of space travel was concerned. Humanity historically being no stranger to disappointment, has with a few exceptions eventually been able to excel by transforming its failures and disappointments into triumphs and victories.
However as far as space travel is concerned the harsh fact remains that manned flight on earth advanced far more in its first fifty years culminating in the breaking of the sound barrier, than manned space travel has in its first fifty years.
The disappointing fact about many of the failed space programs some typified by the Hyperloop and SpaceX are that one; it’s expensive two; it’s dangerous and three, it still cannot transport even modestly heavy loads into space and at a reasonable price that most nations can afford.
These failings, failings that were common to all space programs of the past seemed to be truly gargantuan and unsolvable. That was at least the case until the creation of the Hydroloop™ System, because not only is the Hydroloop™ System the only viable, practical and realistic solution currently available to humanity that solves all and more of the Hyperloop drawbacks, it not only promises to bring down the overall costs of any transportation from earth into outer space, but it also promises to do it cleanly, safely and efficiently.
The Hydroloop™ System also solves many of the ecological problems that exist here on Earth as well, that the Hyperloop and its Space Programs simply can’t. In short, the Hydroloop™ System is a multi-functional transport system that offers a seamless transition towards the use of clean sustainable energy. It also offers an extremely efficient way to transport clean fresh water using its multi-tunnel-tube system, that is not only able to transport goods, people, information, and energy etc. at a fraction of the cost of other systems, but at the same time it also fulfils the 6 key challenges currently facing humanity by using ecologically viable, and economically sustainable solutions:
We invite you and your government to create with us a model to accelerate the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), to build a greener, fairer and more resilient world.
: Phouthone-Thone: Siharath.,
To adapt and implement the UNSDGs, and 6 WEF challenges accepting solutions:
The energy transition is a significant structural change in an energy system. Historically, these changes have been driven by the demand for and availability of different fuels. Energy transitions can also result from the depletion of limited and irresponsible energy sources, for example: whale oil for illumination, wood for iron smelting in Europe, palm oil for oil, rubber, and other trees for paper.
Lately, the transition to solar and wind has proven to be a mistake, and Elon Musk’s Hyperloop a failure, and dams for only producing electricity are catastrophes for the environment and create more inequality. TOTRADE GROUP, Contractors, and government obligation are to increase energy by geothermal and provide people with multi-generational wealthy lifestyle.
The longer droughts lead to longer and hotter fires, polluting air, which clear more forest, thus speeding up the process. Lack of water is speeding up climate change and the deforestation-drought-fire feedback loop. Forests have been razed to make space for agriculture and animal grazing, and to obtain wood for fuel, manufacturing, and construction.
More water availability for smart farming with large-scale hemp cultivation is to decrease deforestation by drought, extinguish forest fires, increase green spaces in cities and deserts, to lower heat island effects and pollution. Therefore, TOTRADE GROUP Commitment, our Contractors, Collaborators, and Government Obligation are to reduce particles in the air.
By promoting healthy lifestyles and healthy food and by identifying important health disparities, TOTRADE GROUP, our Contractors, Collaborators, and government obligations are to reduce health imbalance. Many disparities in health are rooted in inequities in the opportunities and resources, mostly freshwater needs to grow fresh and raw fruits, vegetables, and fish for a healthy diet.
The determinants of health include living and working conditions, education, income, neighborhood characteristics, social inclusion, and medical care. An increase in opportunities to be healthier will benefit everyone but more focus should be placed on groups that have been excluded or marginalized in the past. Change and implement policies, laws, systems, environments, and practices to reduce inequities in the opportunities and resources needed to be as healthy as possible. Eliminate the unfair individual and institutional social conditions that give rise to the inequities.
Mobilisation is mobilisation on Climate Change to avoid an irreversible tipping point:
• TOTRADE GROUP, our Investors, Contractors, Collaborators, and Government Obligations Business White Papers are to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius even reversing it, and by targeting net-zero emissions by 2050.
• by physically exchanging natural heat with coldness, solving droughts with floods. These two alone will solve desertification and reverse Global warming, and allow the development of extremely hot SW Asia (Middle East) regions including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar, and Desert-Belt corridors with the possibility to:
• Solve energy crisis, food crisis, and water stress.
• Solve climate change issues,
• Increase food production and land values,
• Restore biodiversity…
Public-private partnerships are the key to tackling climate change.
Adaptation to Climate change demands new products and services development like The Hydroloop™ System to tackle sea level rise, over consumption of ground water without replacement, stop and reverse desertification...
The Hydroloop™ System will generate a win-win for both public and private sectors such as the increase of well-paid multigenerational jobs, therefore, GDP and tax revenues increase, and trade balance surplus. It will allow Nations to decrease their debts, avoid pension funds shortfall, and even increase them.
In addition to solving the previous 5 points, TOTRADE GROUP, Contractors, Collaborators, Investors, and Government obligations to build The Hydroloop™ System as the solution to the World's Biggest Water Challenges.
To allow the possibility to efficiently distribute large volumes of freshwater 24/7 everywhere (UNSDGs 6), reducing devastating drought, desertification, flood, groundwater depletion and fires that are significantly impacting the World financial system, and human life... The possibility to transport heavy loads from and to space at a fraction of the current space program makes large-scale exploration of in-finite resources feasible.