Our partners, collaborators, and sponsors

TOTRADE Team, our partners, collaborators, and sponsors policies are to collaborate through partnership and strategic alliances, to create international telecoms networks, to acquire successful business opportunities, to expand and diversify our industries, to adapt to the change in the global business environment, and to implement the 6 WEF challenges accepting solutions and the UNSDGs.

Global financial and investment sectors, along with government sovereign funds, are in search of substantial projects for investment to stimulate wealth creation. These mega projects, often in the realm of infrastructure, can serve as significant catalysts for economic growth and prosperity.

Infrastructure mega projects, such as bridges, tunnels, highways, railways, hospitals, airports, seaports, power plants, dams, water and wastewater projects, Special Economic Zones (SEZ), geothermal, oil and natural gas extraction projects, public buildings, information technology systems, aerospace projects, and weapons systems⁴, are crucial to the future of cities, states, and individual livelihoods¹. They can be transformative, contributing significantly to a country's GDP¹.

However, these projects often face challenges such as budget overruns and delays¹. Therefore, it's essential to adopt strategies like replicable modularity in design, and speed in iteration to reduce costs and risks² such as our proposed ASEAN Mainland development initiative.

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Climate Emergency Solution

McKinsey estimates that the world needs to spend about $57 trillion on infrastructure by 2030 to enable the anticipated levels of GDP growth globally¹. About two-thirds of this will be required in developing markets (ASEAN, South Asia, South America, and Africa), where there are rising middle classes, population growth, urbanization, and increased economic growth¹. These countries need infrastructure, but all too often many years will pass and the promised road, bridge, water management, and metro projects still will not have materialized.

Hence, it's of paramount importance that global financial and investment sectors, in conjunction with government sovereign funds, pinpoint and channel their resources into sustainable and resilient mega projects. This strategic move will not only catalyze wealth creation but also foster global economic growth. Moreover, it will promote equality and cost-effective development, thereby benefiting the planet in the long run. This approach aligns with the broader goals of sustainable development, ensuring a balance between economic progress, social equity, and environmental protection.

(1) List of megaprojects - Wikipedia
(2) Megaprojects: The good, the bad, and the better | McKinsey
(3) Make Megaprojects More Modular - Harvard Business Review
(4) President Biden Announces First of its Kind Infrastructure Investment

Climate Emergency

NASA ( (web, YouTube, pole shift), the CIA, and Independent Scientists hypothesize that Earth Climate Collapse events and tectonic plate pivots and displacements could occur globally within 24 hours by the latest in 2036.

Supporting docs

1. Climate Emergency: totrade.co/climate
2. Solution: totrade.co/solution (update regularly)
3. Solution PowerPoint: totrade.co/pwp
4. White Paper: totrade.co/paper

Global Solution

"Humanity's Last Hope" is a crucial initiative tackling climate change and inequality, turning challenges into opportunities for sustainable growth and natural harmony.